The Dutch healthcare system

The Dutch healthcare system guarantees accessible care for everyone. Health insurers must accept everyone as insured for the basic package. Age or health should not play a role in this.

Everyone contributes to the healthcare insurance. Healthy young people, for example, help pay for specialist medical care that older people often need. And the elderly contribute to the maternity care that is important for young mothers.

How is health insurance organised in the Netherlands?

Everyone who lives or works in the Netherlands must take out basic healthcare insurance (basic package). The central government determines what is included in the basic package. This is medically necessary care to which everyone is entitled. Health insurers decide for themselves what is included in supplementary insurances.

Mandatory basic insurance for everyone

The basic insurance covers the standard care provided by, for example, a GP, hospital or pharmacy. Most of the care included in the basic package is subject to an excess. Personal contributions may also apply. The main features of the basic package are as follows:

  • The basic insurance is mandatory if you live or work in the Netherlands. Also for children.
  • The basic package is the same for everyone.
  • The basic package is determined by the government. The content may change annually.
  • A healthcare insurer must accept you for the basic package.
  • The contribution of a medical insurance policy is the same for everyone, regardless of age or health.
  • Health insurers must ensure that everyone receives the care they need on time and within a reasonable distance.
  • They must ensure that everyone receives the care they need on time and within a reasonable distance.

Voluntary supplementary insurance

A supplementary insurance covers (part of) the care that is not included in the basic package. For instance, additional reimbursement for treatment by a dentist or physiotherapist. There are several packages, all of which complement the basic insurance. The healthcare insurer determines the conditions and reimbursements. A supplementary insurance is not mandatory. Because there are many different packages, it is important that you tailor the supplementary insurance to what you need.

Health insurance for expats

When you come to live or work in the Netherlands, you need to register with a healthcare insurer as soon as possible. This also applies if you still have foreign healthcare insurance.

You have to be insured from the day you come to live in the Netherlands and register with a Dutch municipality or start working for a Dutch employer. From that day on, you will also be reimbursed for care from the basic healthcare package. Even if you have not yet taken out healthcare insurance.

You have 4 months to take out healthcare insurance. You will therefore also owe a premium for that period. You will pay this premium afterwards, as soon as you take out healthcare insurance within the term of 4 months.

For more information visit the Dutch Goverment website.