Fitness and personal training in The Netherlands

Exercise or workout is the activity that keeps a person fit and healthy. It helps to control appetite and even improve sleep. Physical activity is necessary for an active life. Working out for an hour a day keeps your joints moving. Jogging, cycling, stretching, swimming etc. are some exercises you can add to your daily routine. But don’t overburden your muscles during exercise.

Fitness centers in the Netherlands

There are about 1900 fitness centers in the Netherlands. Personal training and small group training are the most popular forms of fitness. Regular fitness, yoga and outdoor bootcamp training are also popular. Approximately 3.3 million Dutch people a year participate in these different forms of fitness. Approximately two-thirds visit the fitness center or gym for this.

Sports besides fitness

Nearly two-thirds of athletes do other sports in addition to fitness. For example running (21%), swimming (17%) and soccer (12% of men) are popular in The Netherlands.

Subscription to the gym

If you want to work out at a gym, you have to sign up and pay a monthly fee. The amount of the fee varies per gym. Personal training is more expensive than unsupervised individual fitness.

How to train for more endurance

Muscle endurance is the ability of a muscle to exert force over repetitive or consistent time. In more common terms, muscle endurance is stamina. Marathon runners for example are endurance players. They build their muscles to avoid fatigue and injury by repetitive movements of muscles. Endurance can be gain by exercises such as pushups, squats and lunges with proper repetitions.

How to train for more strength

Muscle strength is the ability of a muscle to lift objects. Weight lifting and resistance training are muscle strength exercises. Muscular strength helps to build strong, healthier muscles and bones. Strengthening also helps to develop good posture and relieve back pain. Challenging your muscles regularly to work harder than usual can help you build muscular strength.

To stay on target and meet your fitness goals, you must develop a routine that you enjoy. Yoga poses help build muscular strength. Jumping jacks, biceps curls, abdominal crunches and the use of dumbbells are other exercises for building muscular strength.

How to prevent exercise injuries

Exercise injuries can range from sprain, strain and back pain. To avoid exercise injuries during strength and endurance training one must follow these cautions:

  • Do a proper warm-up before a workout
  • Choose your exercise plan wisely
  • Don’t push yourself too hard
  • Gradually upgrade your repetitions and training time
  • Use steady and controlled movements
  • Take rest during the exercise session
  • Use right exercise equipment
  • Listen to your body. Avoid over-exercising
  • Stretch at least 2 times a week to stay flexible
  • Do exercises the right way. It can help prevent injuries
  • Use cross-training to prevent overuse injuries. Change your workouts
  • Use caution when working out any area of your body that’s prone to pain or injury
  • Repeating the same muscle movements too frequently can lead to overuse and repetitive injuries such as tendinitis

If you don’t know how to start an exercise program or progress to that next level safely, a personal trainer or coach is the perfect option.